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The Oracle Card Deck

Designed for HSPs on the Self-Improvement Journey


The Deck

"Once I discovered that tapping into our inner sense of what is right for us as HSPs is an important part of thriving, I set out with the intention to further develop my own intuition. I was quickly drawn to using oracle card decks as a fantastic tool to begin this conversation.

As I began to use card decks created by others that I've collected over the years, I realized that it would be an incredible game changer to have a deck that was not only self-improvement themed, but that was also designed specifically for highly sensitive people. I became so passionate about the idea, that I decided I had to create it!"

- Tiara Ariel

You're new to the deck and want to learn more?

This card deck includes 110 cards, each with an image Tiara has taken around the world over the course of her lifetime. They are beautiful nature images paired with meaningful text to help you find inspiration and insight along your journey.

The deck comes in a sturdy tin box with a bifold info pamphlet along with the cards.

Interested in purchasing the deck?

You already have the deck, and are looking for card descriptions?

For guidance descriptions for each card, and more details on the deck photography, scroll down...

Included below are teaser images that coordinate to each of the 110 cards in your deck.

Each image description also includes the geographic location where that image was taken.

Once you locate the card you would like more info on, click it and it will show you the full description.

Are you here because...

Wondering how to use the card deck?

Watch Tiara give a live reading for a good HSP friend of hers, and see how it looks in action.

In this video, they discuss working with the deck, why its a valuable tool to support you on your self-improvement journey, and experience first hand a little bit of the universe's magic at work...

(The website images have been cropped and watermarked for copyright reasons.
The actual card deck is 2.75" x 4.75" and includes the full images without watermarks.)
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